Monday 11 July 2011


I'm going to tell you a little about myself.
My Name is TaniaWilosn. I am 12 years old, and I was born in Whangarei. My birthday is November the 3rd. I attend Dargaville Intermediate School and I also go to Gifted kids Centre. I am a year 8.

I love Music, Drama and writing. I also do alot of cycling with my dad. I am training up for the 80ks around Taupo in a team. I hope I do well.

Anyways I recently wrote a chapter book called "The Piano Girl". Its quiet long but it's really good for my first book. I plan on writing another one sometime, I found it really fun to be able to imagine and create your own world, so I would definatly write alot more if I had the time.

I absolutly love dance, so I am entering a dance compition with my best friend. I am really enjoying spending afternoons with her to make the dance up, its really exciting. We are starting to plan outfits and we have most of our dance done.

Welll there isnt that much about me thats too exciting because I often very quiet in class and don't usually put my hand up to much, I much peferr if someone else said it. I do read a little bit. At the moment im reading a book called "Infinity". Its really interesting as I am amost finnished. Fingers crossed it ends well. :)

So thats it about me. bye

1 comment:

  1. Naww, CUTE AS !
    But you made just a few spelling mistakes there darling, bahah, sorrrry

    loveyou heaaps , x
    dannny, ♥
